HillTop 8, LLC, is a Small Business Association (SBA) certified Joint Venture between DAn Solutions, Inc. and HillTech Consulting, Inc., which is a SBA 8(a) company. This Joint Venture is organized with DAn Solutions as the mentor company and HillTech as the 8(a) protégé company. We’re not your typical federal integrator, development, and engineering firm. You could call us entrepreneurial geeks who are passionate about designing and delivering effective and efficient services and solutions to better serve our country. Money is great (we are for-profit!), but mission comes first.

From mitigating supply chain problems to designing innovative software to support mission intelligence to figure out how best to share information across your organization, we exist to figure out ways to make your IT solutions and services run better, faster, and more securely. That requires a strong dose of problem-solving spirit, the willingness to look at things in new ways, and the wisdom to design realistic solutions.

Hilltop 8

FEIN: 88-3357892


DAn Solutions, Inc.


HillTech Consulting